Let me start off this post with a valuable tip: On the first day of your cruise, take the spa tour and enter the raffle. There is a free raffle for various spa treatments, this is the only time you'll be able to win something at the spa short of Spa Bingo (and let's be serious...it's so expensive to play Bingo you could put that money toward a treatment and be farther ahead).
My husband and I entered the drawing and miraculously...we both won! My husband won a shave...which was his favorite thing and I won an Iothermie treatment.
When I heard the name I was under the impression that this was some sort of colon cleanse or other unpleasant experience that was going to ruin all the eating plans I had and make me feel sick the whole cruise.
Once the poor therapist talked me off the ledge I agreed to try the treatment and scheduled my appointment. So what happened during this mystery treatment?
We discussed my "problem areas" (yes, you have to narrow it down to just one area) and then she took the "before" measurements" and made tiny markings on my skin with a pen sort of thing so she would be sure to measure the same exact spot for the "after" measurements.
So once I was measured the process began. The process pretty much involved me standing there and her rubbing a bunch of products on my stomach. There is a toner type of solution that's put on the skin first, this is supposed to cleanse the skin to allow better absorption of the ingredients that are going to be put on your skin for the treatment. It was a bit cold at first but other than that, nothing remarkable to note.
After the toner a glass ampule was broken and the oil was applied to my skin. The glass ampule looked like a little bullet and you just crack the top off. I'm assuming the oil has to be stored in glass because of the ingredients or something...or maybe they just want it to look extra fancy.
After the oil was applied a firming cream was applied, again this was cold but other than that nothing remarkable to note.
After these products were applied I pulled up a seat during the clay mixing process. The therapist cut open bags and mixed liquids and stirred and stirred until I thought her arm was going to fall off until she finally declared that the mixture was ready.
The massage table had a plastic mat on top of it that had edges. A portion of the clay was poured into this mat, then a wet cloth was placed over the clay. I laid on top of the cloth (which was on top of the clay) and then my stomach was covered in the same way, the wet cloth on my stomach and the clay on top of the cloth. The clay never actually touches your skin, which is nice because that would be very messy. It was cold at first and then started to warm up quite nicely, turns out it's thermal clay, who knew there was such a thing?!
I took some photos from a website...as I was not going to photograph myself having this treatment!
So while I was laying in clay, electrode devices were placed on me (i honestly don't remember if they were touching my skin or were on the towel or what) and then the machine was connected. It's an odd sensation and feels like a small electrical current is being sent through your muscles and then the muscles begin to contract. It's an odd sensation but not unpleasant it basically feels like you're doing sit ups but the results are much faster and easier than doing those dreaded crunches!
After the treatment I was re-measured and lost a total of 5 inches from my waist! I couldn't believe it! My sides were actually a bit sore...not in a bad way, but it felt like I had just finished a workout and they felt slimmer. Yes, I know you probably think it was just in my head but my husband said the same thing (he's a smart man). There was barely anything left to pinch (much to my delight!). There are several more areas I would like to have hooked up to that miracle machine but alas I only won 1 treatment. There is, of course, a full product line to take home at the bargain price of $227 for a 12 day treatment. The prices go up from there with the 36 day treatment pushing $600. Of course if you purchase it at the spa you don't have to pay shipping and handling but the product can be ordered online from the website.
I had no side effects to the treatment, other than using a few inches and I can understand the science behind this proven treatment. If I had disposable income I would purchase the home treatment but alas...I do not. I was glad I won this treatment because I never would have purchased it or thought to try it on my own.
Make sure you check out the Senses spa and pick up a spa menu...there is a wide variety of treatments but be sure to book early because the slots fill quickly.
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