Thursday, July 12, 2012

The 2013 Disney Dining Plan

Now that the cat is out of the bag for 2013 package pricing it's time to investigate the changes.

The plan itself seems to remain unchanged, especially compared to last year when the restaurant selection was expanded to include more Downtown Disney eateries.

The pricing has increased in each of the plans and is as follows:
*Pricing is per person, per night*
  • Quick Service: $37.58 for adults, $14.32 for children (ages 3-9)
    • 2 Counter Service meals, 1 snack and 1 resort refillable mug per day
  • Standard: $55.59 for adults, $17.16 for children (ages 3-9)
    • 1 Counter Service, 1 Table Service, 1 Snack and 1 resort refillable mug per day
  • Deluxe: $99.97 for adults, $26.84 for children
    • 3 meals per day (any combination of counter service or table service)
 I haven't heard of any changes to participating locations and when the 2013 Dining Plan Brochures are released I will post them.

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